Titan Encounter Page 11
Chapter 19
Naomi backed away. “Sisters?”
Justin shook his head in disbelief. From Mara came a wave of surprise. He turned to her, but she stared at Naomi.
“We don’t have time for your misplaced loyalties,” the admiral said flatly.
Justin needed no telepathic abilities to see the anger of Leonidas, as the Admiral stared at Naomi with cold eyes.
“The recon ship will soon discover us,” he continued. “Will you help us?”
Naomi shook her head.
The admiral’s eyes shot to Mr. Green. Justin followed his gaze in time to see Green’s brow rise slightly. Apparently, the two officers were communicating telepathically.
With a shake of his head, the admiral seemed to reject whatever they were discussing. He turned to a technician. “Get Admiral Cottrell on the command ship.”
A holographic image appeared in an open space near the center of the compartment. A gray-haired man, perhaps a little younger than Leonidas, appeared. Seated, the man swiveled to the side. “What can I do for you, Leo?”
“I have some intel for you Admiral.” Leonidas approached the projected image and described the weapons of the pirate ship and his lack of knowledge regarding the recon vessel, but without mentioning Naomi or her refusal to help.
Cottrell leaned back in his chair. “We can destroy them both, but when they don’t return others will follow.” He rubbed his chin. “Any chance of getting the Exodus FTL engines online?”
“Not before we’re discovered. The engines we pulled from the debris field need a human interface. We’re still trying to reverse engineer it.”
Cottrell nodded. “I’ll have the Excalibur battle group move to your flank and release weapons. When they fire on us, we fire on them.”
Leonidas nodded as the image dissolved.
Justin noticed lights turn red on a nearby console. A technician announced, “Weapons free.”
Naomi moved up against the bulkhead and seemed to try to blend in. Justin ambled in her general direction. He wanted to talk to her, maybe comfort her, but he didn’t know if he’d be welcomed so he stopped several meters away. Together with the fleet, they waited.
Sometime later Leonidas approached. “Have you ever been in battle?”
“No,” Justin said to the older man, “but I’ve been shot at.”
The admiral smiled, nodded, then turned his attention to the holo display a few meters away.
All of his life, Justin had quickly been able to determine the nature of the person before him. He studied the admiral’s face. History labeled him a mass murderer, but all he had seen was a thoughtful, caring person. Was this all a mask covering a darker side that he was unable to see? He wondered if he would ever know the truth of the man. They watched the display for several moments. “How come you know where the two ships are, but they don’t know where you are?”
Concern spread across the admiral’s face. “They don’t know where we are yet.” He breathed deeply. “We watched the jump gate, so when they came through, we saw them. Also, they’re doing sensor sweeps that we can easily plot.” He rubbed his chin. “And, I suspect they’re looking for you, not us.” Leonidas stepped closer to the display and Justin followed. Pointing to the planet he said, “Your small vessel was last seen near Lepanto, so that is where they started looking.” He gestured to a group of three blue dots nearby. “We pulled back the few ships we had in that area. The bulk of our fleet is on the edge of the system and in emcon, not radiating anything except excess heat. However, those two ships,” he pointed toward the two red dots, “will eventually find us.”
“But Exodus can stop them, right?”
“No. All this ship has are a few missile launchers and anti-missile defense guns we installed after capturing it.”
“Oh.” In an instant Justin’s mind raced through possible options, none of them good.
“But, if we are forced into a fight, the other ships in the battle group will destroy them.”
“Forced into a fight?”
Both men turned at the sound of Naomi’s voice.
“You are not going to be forced to fight. The recon ship will jump away at the first hint of trouble. That class of ships always has their FTL engines spun up, ready to jump.”
Leonidas bit his lip and stared at her. “I doubt the pirates will fight the Titan fleet.”
Justin shook his head. Ferren fight a fleet? “Not a chance.”
The admiral nodded. “If they won’t attack us, all we need is time to get away from here.” He turned to one of the nearby technicians. “Contact Admiral Cottrell.” As soon as he appeared, Leonidas conveyed the new information.
The merest hint of a smile broached the other admiral’s face. “If we destroy the jump gate, it will slow down the arrival of reinforcements.”
Leonidas agreed.
“I’ll have it done the moment we’re discovered.”
Nearly an hour later, the two intruders were on an arcing course toward the fleet when a technician announced, “Target ships are approaching scanning range.”
Leonidas gave a slight nod and ordered all heat exchangers turned off.
We have been scanned. Initiating scan counter measures.”
Justin expected alarms, shouts, frantic action and commands, but nothing like that happened.
“Lock on, but hold your fire,” Leonidas said calmly. “Maintain emcon and jam any transmissions.”
Mr. Green smiled broadly. “They certainly weren’t expecting us. There’s near panic on the pirate ship.”
Leonidas grinned then shot a glance from Naomi back to Green. “What’s the situation on the recon ship?”
A red flash from the holo display caught Justin’s eye.
“The jump gate has been destroyed,” a technician advised.
Before Mr. Green could answer, another man said, “Both ships have jumped sir.”
Moments later the two ships appeared where the gate had been seconds before. The recon ship immediately jumped again. Just as the Titan fleet had done, it was now hiding somewhere nearby. Ferren’s ship was less swift. Under the guns of a Titan battleship, the Acheron took minutes to spin up their FTL drive and flee. Justin delighted in imagining the sweat pouring down the fat pirate’s face as his crew madly worked to jump away.
Leonidas smiled. Relief spread across his face. “Secure from general quarters and set condition two, throughout the ship. Remember people,” he said raising his voice and looking up and down the compartment, “those ships are either hiding nearby or fleeing as best they can. They will probably return—with help. Stay alert.” Then he turned to Naomi and said, “Thank you for your assistance.”
Crewmembers opened some hatches. Justin and Naomi wheeled Mara back to the clinic with the medic and Thor not far behind.
Because of the closed hatches, they followed a different path out of the superstructure. As they wound their way back, they crossed paths with a squad of Marines and dogs. Thor locked eyes with the officer just as he seemed about to question them.
The marine looked at them with a mixture of surprise and amazement. “You’re the ones they found on Lepanto?”
Justin nodded, amazed that the dog had evidently conveyed that message.
“I thought it just rumors, stories.” After a brief discussion, the marines escorted them, opening hatches along the way.
Arriving at the clinic the medic checked in. Becca greeted them on the ward then did a quick check of her patient. “After my shift I’ll bring Mara to my quarters.” Her bright eyes glancing between Naomi and Justin she said, “I’ll see you both there for dinner, okay?”
They all agreed, but no one moved. Becca looked from person to person with a confused expression.
“So, are we really sisters?” Mara finally asked with a gesture toward Naomi.
“Yes,” Becca said with a surprised look. “You didn’t know?”
Mara shook her head. “Did everyone know—except us?”
sp; “Everyone who read the med or intel reports.” Becca called up their medical records on a nearby screen. “When you were brought in the Lepanto medical team did routine workups on all of you. That included DNA swabs. The information was uploaded to the med computer for more detailed analysis.” For several moments, she examined the two records. “See,” she said pointing to the DNA profiles, “you share the same parents—you’re sisters.”
The two looked at each other, but neither smiled.
“That’s good isn’t it?” Becca asked.
“Yes.” Naomi said without emotion.
Mara shrugged. “How could we be sisters?”
Justin thought for several moments then, looking at Naomi, said, “The story you were told about the Titan ship that was attacked, the crew venting the atmosphere, and being cloned from DNA found on the ship….”
Naomi shook her head. “That must be a lie.”
“Not all of it. Being on a ship under attack and left in an escape pod….”
“My earliest memory,” Mara said as surprise spread across her face. “Were we all on that ship?”
“Yes,” Justin said. “They must have tried to save the children.”
“Do you know how old you are?” Mara asked.
“They told me twenty-two.”
“I’m twenty-four—little sister.”
The two women stared at each other for several moments as tears welled in their eyes. Then Naomi bent down and they hugged each other.
“I need to get Mara to treatment.” Becca breathed deeply and wiped her eye. “I’ll see you both at dinner tonight.”
Justin nodded, took Naomi by the hand, and left the room.
They walked in silence to the docking station where she had first arrived, but instead of taking a shuttle headed for another ship, he took her down one level to a subway system that ran the length and circumference of Exodus. Fifteen minutes after boarding, they disembarked at a small station surrounded by orchard trees. A dirt path took them away from the station, through the grove.
“Becca took me here a couple of days ago.” As they walked along the path, shaded by fruit trees, he said, “She told me she comes here to figure things out.”
“Figure things out,” she mumbled.
Several minutes later, they came out of the trees. Now, on one side of the path, corn grew head high, on the other side wheat stood nearly as tall.
Up ahead men worked on machinery in the mud of a fallow field. Naomi stopped and stared. “Titan soldiers obeying the commands of a pregnant norm and working as farmers in the mud.” Her expression turned angry. “Is all of our history a lie?”
Chapter 20
Justin shrugged. “I don’t know that I can answer that, yet, but I’m convinced the truth is more complex than the stories we’ve been taught. This fleet easily could have destroyed the Acheron and the imperial recon vessel, but they didn’t. Why would rogue killers show restraint?”
Naomi appeared deep in thought as she shook her head.
“The only conclusion that makes sense is that the Titans aren’t crazed killers.”
She nodded. “They are more normal than I expected…more normal than the Nephilim and far less creepy.” Her expression changed from thoughtful to serious. “We need answers. Do you believe Becca will tell us the truth?”
“As she knows it, yes.”
“Then tonight should be most revealing.”
He smiled. “Until then let’s try and enjoy the day.”
They continued past orchards and fields. Hand-in-hand they turned onto one intersecting path and then another. Only occasionally did they meet a worker operating some sort of farm equipment. Justin felt refreshed to be outside and in the country, even if it wasn’t actually outside. As they walked they discussed the unlikely events that had brought them to this place and talked of nothing as they strolled casually to nowhere.
After turning down another path, Naomi said, “Let’s head back to the rail station and go somewhere else.”
Justin didn’t recognize any of the fields or building that were now in view, but he didn’t want to admit it to her. “I think the station is this way.”
Naomi gave him a skeptical look.
After walking half a kilometer, they came to a road. Justin stopped on the edge and tried to get his bearings. A line of twenty people, adults, teens and a few younger children, approached in single file. Each wore a white robe.
Where have I seen robes like that? Finally, he recalled that monks in ancient times had worn similar outfits.
“Why are they dressed so funny?” Naomi whispered.
Justin explained what he knew and together they watched the strange parade. Suddenly he squeezed Naomi’s hand. “That’s him—Mr. Blue, from the interrogation I told you about that first day here. Let’s follow him.”
“Sure,” Naomi smiled. “He probably knows where he is going.”
Justin ignored her and fell in behind as the last monk passed by.
After about an hour of moving slowly and silently, they reached the edge of a community. Mothers pulled children out of the way, others stepped aside, trolleys and equipment stopped so the monks could proceed straight down the street.
Near the center of the community, they came to a one-story circular building with no windows. As they approached, a young boy and girl held two large doors open and the line of monks moved silently in.
Justin pointed above the doors. “The same fish like symbol that is on your medallion.”
Naomi clutched her breast and nodded.
The two children followed into the building and the doors closed behind them.
Justin stepped forward.
“You are not going in. Are you?”
“Sure, why not?”
Words stumbled from her. “It is not a public building.”
“It doesn’t say private.” He marched forward.
“They will probably kill us both.”
“You don’t believe that,” Justin said over his shoulder.
Gently pulling heavy doors, Justin peeked within. The hallway followed the curve of the building disappearing in both directions. As they stepped inside, a long stand stood immediately in front, holding an open book. He examined it.
“The Prophecies of Justin.” He pulled a copy from his pocket. “It’s some sort of holy book to the Titans.”
Naomi sneered.
Looking for where the monks might have gone, Justin stepped to the right. Instantly, six young men blocked his way.
He stepped back. Where did they come from?
Naomi stepped close to him, fists at the ready.
The men, each in gis with black belts, stood in a semi-circle about them. Justin wondered if they had somehow blinded him for a moment. They stood like statues, providing only one option, to retreat through the doors they had entered.
“Welcome to our school.” Mr. Green walked up clad in a white robe. Pulling the hood from his head, he looked at them, then hinted a smile. “We don’t normally do tours.”
Naomi, tense like a lioness ready to pounce, said, “Sorry. We will leave.”
“That will not be necessary, if you have come to learn.” He casually flipped the pages of the book. “Have you read it?”
“No,” Justin replied. “I’d like to, but I’ve been busy.”
Green shook his head in obvious disappointment. Flipping to the back he said, “The last page is particularly instructive.” He walked away. As he was about to disappear around the bend of the hall he said, “If you are interested in truth, come with me.”
The gi-clad silent sentinels stepped aside allowing Justin to follow and, with a shake of her head, Naomi did trailed behind. Together they passed classrooms and labs filled with students. Moments later, they came to a young woman holding open an elevator door.
Once inside Green said, “I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. I am General Olham.”
“No,” Justin replied. “I’ve always just thought of you
as Mr. Green.”
Olham laughed. “And did you call your other interrogator, Mr. Blue?”
Justin nodded. “And I suspect you know our names.”
“Yes, I do,” he said with a big smile. “Observation balcony.”
“What do you do here?” Justin asked as the elevator dropped beneath his feet. Worse than an FTL jump.
“As I said, this is a school. We teach psychic skills here. I am Dean of the Adepts.”
“You call them shadow warriors…”
Justin struggled to hide the fear that spiked within him.
“…but that is only part of what we teach. Like any human ability, Titan psychic powers exist in a range. Most people are average, some are above and a few are truly adept. Student that earn the white robe are called Adepts. Think of what I do as advanced level training for the gifted. Some of those talented people become shadow warriors.”
The elevator slowed and then stopped. Stepping from it, they entered a tiny room. Olham opened one of two doors and walked onto a balcony.
With Naomi close behind, Justin followed. He looked down a deep shaft. At the bottom was a circle of white-robed monks.
“What is this place and what are they doing?”
“Originally this facility was part of a science academy. The designers planned the shaft and the observation bubble at the bottom, as a means to access experiments outside the protective hull of the ship.”
Looking down the shaft Naomi asked, “Outside the hull? Unshielded?”
“The room is still protected from solar radiation, but for a telepath it is the quietest place on the ship. Your other interrogator that day, Major Rasnic, is one of our finest instructors. He’s down there now with some of our best students searching for the two intruder ships.”
“They’re still out there?”
Olham turned to Justin and with sadness in his voice said, “They’re out there, afraid and desperately trying to contact help.”
“Do you feel sorry for them?” Naomi asked.
“No.” He shook his head. “Being an empath is one of the talents of a true Adept. The two ships are hiding out there, at the edge of the solar system, but I can still feel their fear.”